The Secret to Self-Improvement

You may not know this but I have been involved in the arts for my entire life. I have been blessed because I have seen it all when it comes to self-mastery. The act of observing is powerful and I have witnessed (and experienced) students working to progress and level-up their craft. Let me tell you what separates those that make it from those that do not.

The ones that succeed, love getting better. 

This is a universal truth in any subject. On a personal level, I know this is true. I love getting better and better. The process of finding out how things work and then powering through my limitations is what moves me. I am always trying to operate at a higher-level. In a way, this is my purpose. And once I have this opportunity, I know that nothing can stop me.

You might get frustrated at times with how self-growth works. That is ok. Trust me. That means you want to improve. You have the desire to get better. That is what matters most. 

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How can I love getting better?
You need to embrace the process. You need to enjoy the process. The only way to do this is to embody that energy yourself. 

“The real secret of life is to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now.

Instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” - Alan Watts

For me, writing is my process. It is a process that I should enjoy. I focus on producing quality content above all and I want my writing to stand out. I want my writing to exude energy and move the reader.

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One way to do this is to view everything in life like it is a game. I view my life as a character in an RPG. In an RPG you must experience the world in order to level up. This also holds true for reality. Embrace this mindset and you will approach challenges in a much more enjoyable manner.

Face it, the world is meant to be enjoyed.

You should be enjoying your life.

You should be enjoying every single day.

If you are not, just quit and do something else. Your time will be better spent elsewhere.

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Writer's block doesn’t exist when you are having fun.

Every single day, I get on Social Media and I have a blast. That is my goal. I interact with my audience. I interact with my friends in DMs. I interact with you, my audience. It is so easy to write because I thoroughly enjoy the process every single day.

You should too.


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